Once you place an order on Vuse.com, you will receive an email confirming your order number and indicating that you will receive another email with tracking information once your order leaves our warehouse.
All orders usually ship within 1 business day of the order being placed.
When your order is picked up by the courier, you'll receive another email from Vuse with the tracking number so you can follow your package's journey right to your door.
You can also find your tracking number in your Vuse account in the "My orders" tab. This information will be available once the order has left our warehouse.
On average, orders should arrive within 1-3 business days, excluding weekends and federal holidays.
If you have any questions about your order, you can call the Vuse Care Team at 1-833-308-8873 or send us an email using the Contact Us form and a member of our team should reply back within 24 business hours.